another confusing blog from jupe


I wrote this this morning:

Another quick blog post today. I’m under the gun for the symphony concert coming up and need to spend time with the music. I went yesterday and checked out the keyboard. It’s a new keyboard (at least to me) with weighted keys much like my Yamaha. It’s a bit lighter but definitely not a synth touch. So I pulled out my Yamaha this morning and starting plunking away on it.

I am hoping to get some serious planning done this August. I spent an hour or so yesterday getting a jump start on upcoming Sundays. I now have bulletin info including prelude and postlude for the rest of this month. Today I plan to copy the recital info that Jen and I were buy diazepam nz working from on the wipe board to the google doc she made about upcoming recitals. That will free the white board for planning anthems. I like to put them up on the board and get a sense of the balance of quality and difficulty.

My piano student canceled. So all I have today besides practicing is meeting with Jordan VanHemert. I am planning to pick his brain about my September improv recital.

At this point Eileen came downstairs and we had breakfast and I stopped.

I did all the stuff I said I was going to do today. The meeting with Jordan was especially fruitful as I hoped it would be. More later, I have to go practice some more.

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