getting on another plane


Image result for airplane 1933

I’m not looking forward to traveling by plane with Eileen today as much as I usually do. Negative reinforcement from our experience coming out to California.

Our plane leaves in the afternoon again so that means a late arrival time in Grand Rapids.

another floating city by Robert McCall


My boss emailed me yesterday about playing a funeral tomorrow. She thought I was back from vacation. I told her I probably could, but when she realized I was getting in late tonight she asked if she should contact a sub. I said yes, but I would do it other wise.

It has been a restful week despite the turmoil around trip out here.

Image result for santa resting

I have been able to read, relax, practice, and be with my California fam. What could be better?

Later this week, Eileen and I will drive up to the Hatch Grayling cabin for some more time off.

Future Commuter, Arthur Radebaugh,1947

I will want to take some actual books with me. I am discovering the limits of reading on a screen. It can be tiring after a while. I do have a few books with me but I have mostly been reading on my tablet.

Image result for metaphor wars raymond gibbs

I started reading Metaphor Wars: Conceptual Metaphors in Human Life by Raymond Gibbs yesterday on my tablet. This book was published in February of this year. It updates the current conversation about “Conceptual Metaphor Theory” and defends the theory itself but not uncritically.

Gibss (and others) are building on George Lakoff’s work.

Image result for don't think of an elephant

You might recognize his  name from his 2004 book Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate. But it is his and Mark Johnsen’s 1980 book, Metaphors We Live By, that seems to have kicked off the debate.

Image result for metaphors we live by lakoff Mark Johnsen

I am admirer of Lakoff anyway. He has been on “On The Media” a few times recently with wisdom about understanding Trump’s approach to the presidency and how to work with it in your own head as well as how to report on it if you are a journalist. As far as I can see, although the quality of journalism is definitely on the rise in response to the madness, not many are taking on Lakoff’s suggestions besides the people of “On The Media.”

It seems obvious to me that thinking of a presidential debate in metaphors of a boxing match or elections as horse races has to influence how we see them. But as Gibbs shows quantifying and understanding this clearly is not easy.

David has left for work and we have said our goodbyes with hugs and “I love you”s. Nicholas will leave next.


Eileen and I will shoot for leaving around 10:30 which will give  us an hour and half to forge through the traffic, return the rental, and actually arrive at the airport.

Image result for retro future airport

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