jupe’s rhythm and blood pressure


thinking about rhythm

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Martin Pasi again complimented me after Sunday’s Eucharist on the “rhythmic” way I do church music. I told him that it was probably because I was a rock and roll musician first and never lost complete touch with that.

But I’ve been thinking about it. I think they’re might be two sources for some of this in my playing: dance and voice. When I first played regularly in a house bar band, ever weekend there were dancers on the floor from the first note to the last. We were a dance band. Then in recent years I have accompanied ballet class. I think that movement is basic to music and informs it.

Also I think that many organists I listen to do not seem to think very clearly about breathing and the human voice. I have been a singer on and off all my life and also a choir director. I think that the human voice also informs music, breaths life into it.

These things are more aspirations of mine than what I consider accomplishments since one must closely monitor the moment of music making persistently.

blood pressure news

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My blood pressure has been up for the last four days (around 140/100). In the past when I have a high reading, it usually went down after I did the dishes. But that’s not happening. If it continues I will report it to my doctor. I may wait until Eileen returns to see if it goes down then. Ah, getting old is fun.

Review: Angélique Kidjo Takes ‘Remain in Light’ Back to Africa – The New York Times

I love the interwebs. There are several YouTube videos that seem to be related to the story at the link about Kidjo’s recent performance of Talking Heads tunes as well as other stuff.

 The thinking that people are rich because they deserve it and God wants them to be rich because they are so nice and conversely poor people are poor because they refuse to help themselves and are basically sinners permeates Western Michigan.

E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board – The New York Times

fuck science

Here’s a link to “Glory” a story in this book. I am planning to read it over breakfast. I found the review intriguing in its descriptions of the stories which sound like fantasy/sci fi/magic realism with a twist.

Gabourey Sidibe: By the Book – The New York Times

I cannot resist checking out books that interesting people recommend in these regular NYT interviews.

Trump Administration Is Sued by ACLU for Files on Botched SEAL Raid in Yemen

“The ACLU is looking for information about how the White House is loosening civilian casualty rules put in place by President Obama in 2013, when he adopted guidelines requiring “near certainty non-combatants will not be injured or killed” before conducting drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia. After the Obama administration mistakenly bombed a wedding procession later that year in Yemen, human rights groups expressed concern the guidelines weren’t being followed”

Where, if anywhere, in the Qur’an does it say that non-believers must be killed? In what context? – Quora

I looked this up after seeing some particularly rabid memes on Fecesbooger.

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