jupe dreams


Image may contain: indoor

The keyboards are connected to the trackers now. I played a few notes yesterday.

Image may contain: people standing and indoor

That’s Martin in the picture above. I had a nice chat with him yesterday. I was very surprised to find that our aesthetics and way of looking at many things are not that far apart. I think of myself as eccentric. My brother Mark says that because I associate with so many  organistas, a brand in and unto themselves. There’s some truth to that. But I feel like for much of my life I have rubbed shoulders with many musicians who were more narrow in their likes and dislikes than I was. Of course, I found people with whom I had much in common. But at this time of my life it is exciting to meet people like Martin and his two co-workers who seem to see things in ways that make sense to me.

It reminds me of meeting younger musicians. Many times in the last twenty or so years when I have met musicians they exhibit a breadth of skill and knowledge across many styles of music. I like that. Also, many of them improvise.

So I am thinking about a recital showing off the musicians of Grace. I will talk to my boss this afternoon about this. I would like to have the choir sing several of the anthems we have learned this season. In addition, I want to teach them a couple of tunes to sing like Mister Green Genes by Zappa.

And I’d like to show off my piano trio members if they are free and willing to play. I’d like my violinist to play Spiegel im Spiegel by Part, my cellist to play a Frescobaldi piece, and the three of us to play some CPE Bach and my recently composed, “Stirred Hearts and Souls.” You get the idea. This may not come together. But the organ is supposed to be ready by June 4th and that’s the date I think it might fun to have “Greatest Hits Plus” debut of the Grace Notes 2017 Music Series. A man can dream.

Hate for Sale from Anna Eijsbouts on Vimeo.

more poetry videos: Videos — Visible Poetry Project


In ‘Brexit’ Talks, U.K. and E.U. Are Said to Be Miles Apart – The New York Times

Talking about a “hard Brexit.”

 I think Debaraj Upadhay, chief of Nagaon District is papering over this awful event. Government people are the same everywhere, I guess.

Echoes of Colonial Conflict in Algeria Reverberate in French Politics – The New York Times

Some interesting insights into the current stuff in France.

 Parsing the bias in this particular activity.

Russians are fighting the war of words against the U.S. with American words – The Washington Post

Language in the news. Cool.

The Washington Post’s new slogan turns out to be an old saying – The Washington Post

From Feb of this year, but still interesting. I am using the WP more and more. I bought the app or rather I’m on trial basis with it. Thinking of keeping it.

 Some interesting observations on contemporary versions of the plays.

The Government Gorsuch Wants to Undo – The New York Times

 Gorsuch is right about Chevron deference – The Washington Post

More views on this subject.



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