

I phoned my doctor’s office this morning. I have a check up on Thursday. I try to get them to schedule the blood draw before that so my doctor can have it in hand when I see her. There was no draw schedule, but they scheduled one for me. I was able to go immediately and get that done.

I have been getting some response to posting about my recent church stuff. Facebook is good for me this way. It manages a bit of cyber connections with other musicians. I know it’s kind of silly, but it does cheer me up and encourage me to feel some support by other professionals. (Hi Rhonda! This includes you, of course.)

I also enjoy seeing other church musicians’ posts as well.

I’m listening to this music as I write. I think I like it. The composer was recommended in this weekend’s “Facing the Music” interview with Sunwook Kim.

Today I have to prepare for tomorrow evening’s rehearsal of the Sing Along Messiah I am playing harpsichord for Sunday. I have been wanting to get up there and play around with Nick Palmer’s church’s harpsichord in Grand Haven, but just haven’t had the time. Today I have the time, but I don’t think I have the energy. I need to rest up a bit I think.

Eileen made me breakfast this morning and even did part of the dishes. I usually get up and do this. But this morning, I got up and gathered the trash together, put it out, cleaned the cat litter (my weekly task since the dust from the litter bothers Eileen), and put that out as well. I think Eileen was feeling a bit guilty that I did all this.

Now I’m listening to this Violin Concerto also recommended by Sunwook Kim. I think I like it even more than the Piano etudes.

I just called the Methodist church where our AGO members recital will be held. As usual, it’s a bit tricky to get in to this church to do this. But I managed to schedule some time for my trio to rehearse there as well as a bit of time for me to go in and register the piece we will do together.

The Trouble with Reality – Workman Publishing


New book by Gladstone coming out soon. I will definitely read this one. She’s great!

Why You Should Read Books You Hate – The New York Times

I kind of hated this article. Ironic, isn’t it?

America’s Uncivil War Over Words – The New York Times

This article paints the American Heritage Dictionary as reactionary. I wonder how true that is? Anyway, some interesting history here.

Viet Thanh Nguyen: In praise of doubt and uselessness – LA Times

Some history and insights about Nguyen’s art (writing). I liked learning about his writing process since I admire his work so much.

Erdoğan’s referendum victory spells the end of Turkey as we know it | Yavuz Baydar | Opinion | The Guardian

 Turkey’s Good-Governance Referendum – The New York Times

These two articles are written by citizens of Turkey. Baydar (the first author) seems level headed and convincing. The second is an adviser to Erdogan. You can guess what he had to say. The following link is a good level headed critique of yesterday’s election and the history behind it.

RIP Turkey, 1921 – 2017 | Foreign Policy



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