lazy jupe

Blogging on a Tuesday afternoon is not something I usually do, but today I am. Eileen helped me get my Mom back and forth to a neurologist appointment. That went relatively easy. Mom has been sleeping a lot. But she got good reviews from her neurologist. And she perked up after the appointment and we stopped and added a small cheeseburger to her ritual post appointment “frosty” at Wendys.

(Sorry about the racist stuff in this video but the music is cool)

I am feeling a bit lazy this afternoon. It’s overcast and I should walk over to one of the local churches and practice organ. But on the other hand I do need to let myself have some time off. I may skip it today since all my organ projects are long term at this point.

Wow. Desmond and the Tutus. What’s not to like?

Rhonda asked me if I would play at the local AGO chapter members recital in April. I instantly said I would. If asked, I usually say yes to things like this. Plus I am thinking that having a good organ at work will lead to more organ playing in public by jupe.

I’m on a roll with this embedded videos.

I love the interwebs. I was toying with what to play in April. I like to choose something a little different for recitals like this. I do like Krebs and he is not always on organists’ radar. I have been messing with an Eb trio of his. While I was at St. Francis yesterday, I pulled it off the web, put it on my tablet and practiced it. I love the interwebs.

Walking home yesterday, I stopped off at the library and checked out a volume of Hayden Carruth’s poetry.

The one I found was published posthumously and was entitled “Last Poems.” His publisher did a clever thing and went through all the books of poetry he has published and pulled  out the last poem for this collection. In addition included are his actual last unpublished poems. So far I like his poetry okay. I need to read more.

Image result for Hayden Carruth

He did look cool. The pic above is in the book and I found it online. But neither the book nor online sources identify the woman with him.

 In the Land of Opera, a Choir for the Tone Deaf – The New York Times

I resist the notion that true tone deafness is as wide spread as many think. I like what this person is doing in Italy.

 Wow. The class stuff in Britain is something I have witnessed. I hope my British loved ones don’t suffer much of it.

Metallica: Official Video Recap Of Beijing Concert Feat. Chinese Concert Pianist Lang Lang –

3:40 into the embedded video Lang Lang makes an appearance. I still haven’t forgiven this group for destroying Napster.

 U.N. says 1.4 million children at imminent risk of death in famines | Reuters

This makes me crazy. “Man made famine.”

Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber — Susan J. Fowler

My daughter Elizabeth shared this on Faceboogers. It’s a good but frustrating read.


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