Music in the Mail!
Before we went to England, I ordered some used music from Craig Cramer. He sends out periodic emails with lists of used music, books, records, and CDs he is reselling. Usually I write a check for my order and get reimbursed from the church. However, we were a little cash poor so I submitted it to the church and asked them to mail Craig a check. When we returned I was sure a box of music would be sitting somewhere in my house.
But no. I waited a bit more and finally emailed Craig asking if he had a way to track the package since I hadn’t received it yet. He was traveling and promised to look into it when he returned.
Last night in the middle of a piano lesson I was giving, my boss walked in with a box. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you,” she said. Mystery solved! Craig (or more likely his teaching assistant) mailed the package directly to the church.
What was in the box?
Although I spent about $130, there was a great deal of music in the box. Most of it was organ music. But some of it was other stuff. There were two piano pieces by Norman Dello Joio. I played through this nocturne this morning. I think it’s lovely.
There was also “Three Sonatas” for four hands by Johann Christian Bach.
I texted Rhonda this morning to ask if she would like to get together and do some piano duets like we have been doing. I’m hoping this might entice her.
Similarly I’m hoping this nice edition of solos for “basso” by Frescobaldi will entice Dawn my cellist.
I also purchased an organ duet. It’s a bit more involved than the J.C. Bach, but I still think Rhonda might at least be interested in knowing about it.
Chaucer’ death day and Women
When I was visiting William Morris’s museum/house in England, I discovered that he and his contemporaries were very interested in Chaucer’s The Legend of the Good Women.
I resolved to come home and read it. I was reminded of this when I learned that today is the date Chaucer died in 1400. I pulled out the collection of his work I have been reading.
Sure enough, there was “The Legend of the Good Women” in it. But I remembered from my reading in England that Chaucer had written this work to atone for his unflattering portrayal of Criseyde in his “Troilus and Criseyde.”
When I turned to this poem in my collection, I discovered that it was exactly where I had left off last time I had read in this book. Thus if I continued with Troilus and Criseyde, I would be reading all of the works in order. So this morning I started reading Albert C. Baugh’s introduction to “Troilus and Criseyde.” I own an independent copy of this work that I might consult.
What The Christian Right Got Wrong About Donald Trump | Huffington Post
My friends Dave/Paul emailed me this link. I say Dave/Paul because my friends Dave Barber and Paul Wizynajtys are a couple and share one Facelessbook account and probably one email account. I find this confusing, but I guess it’s their choice.
The Books My Dad Won’t Read? Mine – The New York Times
A family story.
Collected Works of a Poet Who Took Her Time – The New York Times
Bookmarked to remember this poet. I found myself more attracted to her work than the person reviewing her.
In Russia’s ‘Frozen Zone,’ a Creeping Border With Georgia – The New York Times
Weird. Russia keeps need a “little more room.”