for want of a nail


Last week I rehearsed alone with the cellist of my piano trio.

Today I am planning to rehearse alone with the violinist. I enjoy the solo literature of these instruments immensely. Both of these people are excellent players and like to read through music. I am planning to go to church and go on ISMLP and print up some music for us to read through. I happen to own the Mozart violin sonatas accompaniment and have printed up at least one movement of the violin part. I will do a few more and also some Bach violin sonatas. That should be fun.

Today most likely I will receive final documents in the mail for the sale of my Mom’s Fenton property.

This has been an ongoing hassle for the last week with me emailing back and forth with our realtor there in Fenton, printing up papers, signing them, scanning them back in and emailing them.  It’s a pain, but it’s much less of pain of having to drive over and attend to this in person.

It looks like I’m hooked by another MacCulloch book. Thomas Cranmer: A Life by Diarmaid MacCulloch is a bit more scholarly than his Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. The latter is scholarly with numerous footnote paths for one to follow, but it is necessarily a broad look since it covers such a wide topic. Cranmer interests me because the more I learn about the origin of the Protestant churches, the more complex the whole thing seems.

I also admire the language of the time which roughly includes Cranmer’s work with the first Book of Common Prayer, Shakespeare and the King  James translation of the Bible.

Today I read that Cranmer married while he was studying at Oxford. MacCulloch points that had his first wife not died in childbirth along with the child Cranmer would not have become a priest and the course of the Reformation might have been very different.

“For want of  a nail” and all that.

I love this kind of historical shit!

1. If History Is a Guide, Crimeans’ Celebration May Be Short-Lived –

Historical observations as well as how this looks from Atotsi, Georgia which declared it’s independence from George in 2008 and was recognized but not annexed by Russia.

2. Budding Liberal Protest Movements Begin to Take Root in South –

Minute movement is more like it.

3. The Graves of Forgotten New Yorkers –

Turning graveyards into parks and memorials.

4. Pakistan’s Culture Wars –

The USA is not the only strong hold of the crazy right.

5. A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | Wired.


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