made it to 62


Today is my 62nd birthday. I am definitely grateful to have lived this long.


My Anglican Chant Psalter arrived in the mail yesterday.

I got up this morning and compared my pointing to the pointing in it.  In a Psalm with 9 verses I found 5 differences. Now that I have read part of the introduction in this book, I see them as five mistakes. There is a very systematic approach suggested in the book which includes arranging accents right after bar lines in the chant. This makes for slightly different pointing.

I have decided to learn the last movement of Bach’s 6th Organ trio sonata. I haven’t learned any of this sonata. I do know one or two movements from the other five, so I guess it’s logical to add a movement from this one.


I do love the interwebs. The illustration above (the beginning of the movement I am learning) is in Bach’s original hand. How cool is that? I was wondering about those staccatos. Lo and behold there they are.

Yesterday was a busy day off for me. I did the farmers market, checked on my Mom (“How are you doing Mom?” “Awful!”), picked up the books she is done with, grocery shopped, went to library and got more books for her, dropped them off, practiced organ, exercised.

Today is the choir’s first Sunday after a rehearsal. I have high hopes I can help them sound good on today’s anthem. We are also introducing the Gloria from the Grace Jazz Mass composed by myself.  Hope that goes okay.

Haven’t put Links up in a while. Here are a few.

1. Jonathan Franzen: what’s wrong with the modern world | Books | The Guardian

Franzen reads satirist Karl Kraus and comes to some interesting insights.

2. How to Save the Syrians by Michael Ignatieff | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Definitely a biased point of view, but one from the inside of the question.

3. Chico MacMurtrie’s Robot Musicians Perform in Brooklyn –

Would love to hear and see this.

4. Why academics can’t write

According to critical linguists, who have studied official and ideological language, there are good reasons why managers might like such language. By using nouns or verbs in the passive voice, authorities can present their own decisions as if they were objective realities, rather than as actions arbitrarily taken by powerful persons
A couple of poems the Writers Almanac I have liked recently.

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