little update



We plunge back into a week of renovation today. This is where our new bathroom door will go.


Here is the pan for our new shower.

The workers arrive in about an hour. I got up early and cleaned up a bit from our cookout yesterday. Barb Phillips is visiting. Eileen, Barb and I jumped in the car after church and drove around looking for a beach on which to plop yesterday.


It was no surprise that the main beach was full. There was no parking. So like good locals we began driving up the coast looking for another place. Tunnel Park was full as well. We finally landed on Mount Olive County Park. It was quite nice and not crowded at all. Like many parks around here on the lake there was a little walk through the woods and up and down many many stairs over the dunes.

Speaking of the dunes, I learned yesterday that the dune ecology along the west coast of Michigan is a unique one. Created over 5k years ago, they are the result of glacier activity creating the sand needed, strong winds to drive the sand onto the shore in large quantities and vegetation that then takes hold and keeps the dunes in place.

I have often wondered why the little mountains covered with trees and Michigan plants are thought of as dunes. We have plenty of sand dunes around, but still most of the dunes I have encountered have been those I have been walking up and down a zillion steps to get over to get to the shore.

So that’s the reason.

Anyway, Eileen and Barb went down to the shore. It was so sunny I lingered on a platform where there was shade and read. After a bit, they came back and we played scrabble. Barb won.

Back home for a cookout. Hamburgers for the carnivores and many roasted veggies for myself.

By the end of the evening I had made quite a mess which is what I got up this morning and cleared away.

Church went well. Eileen skipped it. It was a small group but they sang their hearts out which is always gratifying to me. I nailed the organ music (hoary old English pieces from Oxford collections…. nicely written and not that hard). My friend Laurie brought her viola and there was an extremely nice moment when she played the melody for the sequence hymn unaccompanied as the gospel procession returned to the front of the church. I do like the sound of the viola.

Today I have to get my Mom to the shrink. Later I am scheduled to play for the June birthday party at her nursing home. I will be faking that since I haven’t really prepared much for it. Time for my top ten Bach and Mozart pieces along with a bunch of pop music from the thirties and forties.

On Saturday I went and purchased the stackable washer and dryer that Eileen picked out on ABC Warehouse’s website.




Our old washer is not working so well. It stops in mid  cycle and leaves clothes soaking in soapy water. It can be coaxed into finishing the cycle but this takes a bit of strategy and luck. It will be nice to have a washer one can count on.

The basement is a disaster right now. Yesterday while we were waiting for Barb to arrive I moved most of my clean clothes from the basement. Between the electrician running wires and the plumbers discovering how bad our plumbing is and making obscene messes I decided I would vacate as much as possible from the basement. This involved getting my clean clothes before they got messed up.

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