MARCH! 13 Lemonjellos gig set list and Jenkins lyrics

1. “One page essay: from Brahms to Satie” by Steve Jenkins (piano instrumental)

2. Frickin Trains by Steve Jenkins
3. I just want you to hurt like I do by Randy Newman
4.  Andropod by Jonathan Fegel
5. Deja vu by Steve Jenkins
6. Chromazone by Mike Stern
7. Almost gone by Steve Jenkins
8. It’s money that I love by Randy Newman
9. Brain by Jonathan Fegel
10. Peaches en regalia by Frank Zappa
11. Gaze of the Star by Olivier Messiaen (piano instrumental)
12. Lost in the dark by Steve Jenkins
13. Everything is fine by Jonathon Fegel
14. Under the sea by Alan Menken
15. So many people by Steve Jenkins
16. You’re probably wondering why I’m here by Frank Zappa
17. I’m okay by Jonathon Fegel
18. Moneyland by Steve Jenkins

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