time off coming



My church has finally got a working web site up and running. It has taken literally years for this to get going. They still are very conservative about what can happen online. At first they didn’t want any staff to do any editing. But I convinced the boss that I and the religious educator should have easy access to the pages related to our areas so that we could make updates. Yesterday I updated the music page which had information that was years old.


I had a very busy day yesterday. Didn’t even have time to treadmill.


The good news is I’m looking at some time off coming up. I have tomorrow off (ballet class was canceled for me). Monday and Tuesday Hope college is not in session so I have those days off. I need some down time. Hopefully I will get it.


I have been thinking about old friends and acquaintances.  My brother recently linked me in to some videos one of the first Episcopal priests I worked with in Oscoda Michigan. This is decades ago. I didn’t recognize him until he started moving his a face bit then I could see the young man I knew (“There you are, Peter!”)

I have had many good friends over the years. It’s kind of weird that so many of them are no longer in my orbit. Some of them withdrew intentionally. Others I’m sure just faded out of my sphere of living.

I muse about Oscoda days because I have come so far since then. I was thinking yesterday that the musician I was in Oscoda would think I am a pretty good organist. The musician I am now often needs convincing.


Poor me.

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