kids’ choir dilemma

I’ve run into a bit of trouble with the Children’s anthem I have scheduled for All Saints. I realized while rehearsing it last week that many of the words in the anthem are entirely unfamiliar to the kids.


I decided to make a crossword puzzle using them. I thought I would give the kids the words to the anthem with the hard words underlined. I would tell them the words they needed to solve the puzzle were the words in the anthem and give them a copy with the hard words underlined.

We are the Lord’s; His all sufficient merit,
Sealed on the cross, to us this grace accords.
We are the Lord’s and all things shall inherit;
Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.

We are the Lord’s; then let us gladly tender
Our souls to Him in deeds, not empty words.
Let heart and tongue and life combine to render
No doubtful witness that we are the Lord’s.

We are the Lord’s; no darkness brooding o’er us
Can make us tremble while this star affords
A steady light along the path before us—
Faith’s full assurance that we are the Lord’s.

We are the Lord’s; no evil can befall us
In the dread hour of life’s fast loosening cords;
No pangs of death shall even then appall us.
Death we shall vanquish, for we are the Lord’s.


The clue for 4. is too obscure (the solution is “sealed). But much worse than that, Eileen said the whole thing would be hard for a 5th grader much less the mostly 3rd graders I have.

So back to the drawing board.

When I asked her how to teach vocab she said this was a good way, but there are too many words and the words themselves are hard for the kids.

I taught them to sing German so I’m sure I can teach them these words by rote. In fact I only have one more rehearsal before All Saints Sunday because Halloween falls on next Wednesday.

But then I had an idea: fit different words to this arrangement.

Here’s what I came up with:


This should work. These words are the Magnificat and aren’t strictly All Saints, but I think they fit well enough and hopefully it will make a bit more sense to the kids.


In Jerusalem, Carter Says 2-State Solution Is in ‘Death Throes’ –

Interesting perspective from an actor in history.

Carter is a member of this organization:

The Elders | Independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights.

The Elders
Martti Ahtisaari
Kofi Annan
Ela Bhatt
Lakhdar Brahimi
Gro Brundtland
Fernando H Cardoso
Jimmy Carter
Graça Machel
Mary Robinson
Desmond Tutu

Honorary Elder
Nelson Mandela


Gay Marriage Ruling Fuels Judicial Vote in Iowa Vote on a Justice –

I think people misunderstand the nature of justice and the courts. I am sorry to see people voting on judges like this.


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