Just in case you’re wondering

Just in case you’re wondering who Chuck Norris endorses for president (It’s Newt Gingrich…. sure he has personal past shortcomings… and He’s by no means a perfect man or candidate , but Chuck believes Newt is a Republican as they used to be)

… and just in case you’re not clear on why Newt as a God fearing man is a good, choice check out Norris’s contention that the founding fathers were clear about about the necessity for having Christians at the head of the USA. He quotes Rev Daniel Foster who was speaking to Governor John Hancock, Lieutenant-Governor Samuel Adams, and both houses of the Massachusetts legislature in 1790.

From Norris’s column

For Foster and our Founders, government is a ”divine appointment,” an ordained institution of God, and ”an important mean of delivering us from the evils of the apostasy; and designed to prepare us for the more encouraging restraints the gospel enjoins.” As such, it too has Jesus Christ, not some nebulous and neutered god, as its head.

Right. Newt. You can see what a good idea it is from the company he keeps:

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