Boring Church Music Day (xpost)

Yesterday’s project was picking anthems for tonight’s rehearsal. This is complicated by the fact that I have thrown out so many single copies of anthems I used to have. And I don’t collect new ones as much as I used to.

So the resources laying around the house are much more meager when I go to do last minute planning. Given a week or two, I can come up with anthems that fit the readings, challenge the choral resources appropriately and will usually hold the interest of the singers.

Lately, I’ve added another criteria: can I stand the piece or even like it.

Yesterday I began the morning going through the readings at home. I am force to do this because my church computer is not connected to the Internet and is old and slow anyway. I like the fact that if I am looking at an anthem and not sure about the origin of the text, I can usually figure it out on google.

Anyway, I spent the morning reviewing anthems in the house (which included a semi-complete master file of anthems the church owns). Then went over to church in the afternoon and made final decisions. This process included manually flipping through the four file cabinets of anthems the church owns. I have cataloged them, but the silly database program the church owns is pretty awful and does not allow flexible searches of anthems.

I ended up picking about 11 anthems out.

This took me until about 5 PM which is when Eileen gets home on Wednesdays. I came home and we went to Margaritas for supper. My mental health is worrying Eileen a bit so she is being extra thoughtful I think. I enjoy her company always and I’m not sure what’s going on with my head but life goes on, n’est pas?

Came home and read “The Trial” by Kafka while Eileen went upstairs and worked crossword puzzles and watched TV.

This morning I have to go to church and prepare for this evening’s rehearsal. This includes photocopying anthems (mostly legal photocopies… all ethical)… ordering anthems… stuffing the folders (which I do in order of performance which is also how I usually rehearse…. this procedure still baffles a good number of choristers).

I have a funeral this afternoon (Greek Orthodox people using our building). I would dearly like to begin my Music Appreciation syllabus today. I am beginning to feel the crunch

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