little blood pressure update

Since there are people who might possibly be concerned about me who read this blog, I thought I would give this little update on blood pressure readings today:

142/94 at home before I left for the doctor
140/100 taken by the nurse
150/100 taken by the doctor
142/96 later at Meijer’s machine
144/92 even later back at home
I looked at fancier blood pressure machines at Miejer’s and decided not to buy one yet.

I am planning on taking my blood pressure more often (daily?) for the next few weeks until I report back to the doctor.

Her main concern was that I could not be walking around blood pressure as high as it was in her office.

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0 thoughts on “little blood pressure update

  1. Blood pressure management. Not easy, but essential to life. They say Yoga is good for blood pressure. I am not sure which way it is effective. Talk to your brain about slowing down the thought process or somehow change the pear shape of your body. Neither of which is easy. Write a book, on how to manage blood pressure or better yet write a music piece for guitar and flute on soothing tones of music bliss.

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