shakespeare in the arb


We drove over to Unadillo to visit my brother and his wife. Last night on the agenda was a performance of Twelfth Night in the Ann Arbor Arboretum.

Image result for shakespeare in the arb 2019

My nephew’s husband Tony provided tickets for the entire family to attend this. It was very cool.

The picture above is from last year. But it gives you an idea of the setting. The audience is escorted from place to place to view different scenes.

Some of these actors were in the performance last night. It was quite good. I’m not sure my grand daughter enjoyed herself. She hasn’t had that good a visit so far. Between discovering that she’s allergic to cats and then having to meet most of the Jenkins clan, I’m sure it’s been overwhelming. However, she has maintained her good humor despite all this. She seems in better spirits today.

Quality time on the porch today. I tried to get a picture of four people all on their phones, but Leigh got up too quickly for me. My brother has lost a startling amount of weight. He looks healthier. Plus he has turned into a mean, lean, cooking machine. It’s fun to seem him so engaged in making food.

Eileen, Mark, and Leigh all went off to the wool store, Forma.

Image result for forma fiber michigan

The shop is in an idyllic setting as you can see above.

It’s a cool shop and it’s fun to look at all the colors, but I opted to stay home.

Savannah is hiding in her room and I’m sitting on the porch. It’s lovely out.

Despite the fact that I keep getting emails from people at Grace, I am beginning to relax a bit. This morning, shortly after our assistant priest emailed me inviting me to a planning meeting, Jen emailed everyone to tell them who was on vacation and for how long. I think these two were connected. At any rate, I’m not planning on going to any meetings at Grace anytime soon.

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