Poking around yesterday looking for other people’s blogs to read. I find that many blogs of people I know haven’t been updated for months. I am still trying to find blogs that write about the kind of stuff I am interested in (music, poetry, art, whatever). Most are too narrow, but I’m still looking.

It’s overcast in Michigan this morning. I have spent the morning working on my lecture for today. I am thinking of doing much of it at the piano. Starting with Joplin’s cakewalk, Swipsey. Then playing Debussy’s Golliwogg’s Cakewalk and pointing out his swipe at Wagner in the middle seciton. Then after talking, maybe playing Ravel’s Pavanne for a dead princess.

I will also talk about Stravinsky. I usually play the first movement of Symphony of Psalms (which I quite like) for the class. I am thinking of adding the DVD of his Rite of Spring (excerpt) that comes with the new edition of my text.

I also want to hit Schoenberg and his pupils Webern and Berg today. This may seem like a lot but this class only meets twice a week so I have to sometimes cram stuff in.

Played a lot of Mozart and Brahms yesterday on the piano. I am starting to feel a bit rested from my China trip.

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