16 links


Just links today. I include some conservative comments I read or have bookmarked to read but reflect the points of view I often don’t agree with.

Buchanan ran for president a while back.

2. Republican defeat: the Tea Party should be over | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian Often interesting to see how we are perceived across the pond.

3. The Art of the Possible | National Review Online

National Review was founded by William F. Buckley, Jr. Now they are part of the moderate camp on the right.

4.GOP Establishment Yellowskins lets taxpayers get screwed and gave Obama a blank check to spend WITHOUT LIMIT until February in Debt Ceiling Deal | Right Wing News

I think this qualifies as listening in on the echo chamber of the radical right.

5. Skull Fossil Suggests Simpler Human Lineage – NYTimes.com

Non political, but interesting to me all the same.

6. Terms of Service update – Policies & Principles – Google

I opted out of having my picture on ads. Google wasn’t happy but let me do it.

7. Hallin’s sphere of legitimate controversy

Google book link to original idea of Hallin’s spheres that define public conversation in media: consensus, legit debate and deviant.

8.Tchaikovsky Research : Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847)

My piano trio plays music by both Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn. I began wondering this week how much Tchaikovsky was influenced by Mendelssohn. This page is quotes of Tchaikovsky about Mendelssohn.

9. How the US media marginalises dissent – Opinion – Al Jazeera English

Zukermann (Rewired) footnoted this article.

10. PressThink: Audience Atomization Overcome: Why the Internet Weakens the Authority

Another Zuckermann footnote.

11. The Pro-Discrimination Left – WSJ.com

More comment from the right, a bit more moderate than some.

12. 15 Reasons Why American Politics Has Become An Apocalyptic Mess

Now from the left.

13. Tom Friedman’s Worst Column Ever

I quit reading Friedman right after the Iraq invasion (which he supported). I skip his column usually because I think he is suspect. This is a critique from the right.

14. The Tea Party As A Religion « The Dish

Andrew Sullivan is coming from the left. He pinpoints the basis of the Tea Party White Guy Religion is hate of Obama.

15. The Myth of the Medical-Device Tax – NYTimes.com

This issue came up during the weirdness around the budget debacle. I think this take makes sense. I know, I know. This is my echo chamber.

16. Lifted From a Russian Lake, a Big, if Fragile, Space Rock – NYTimes.com

Another science story.

Eileen just got up so I’m quitting here. I have tons of links left but this is enough.

2 thoughts on “16 links

  1. I’m curious about your google terms & conditions thing – did you have to untick a box that was already ticked? I followed your link and clicked another link – and it took me to a page where my box was already unticked…. I wonder if this is because I’m not accessing my account from America?


  2. Who knows? It’s not too big a deal for me. I just know if I see my picture online for an ad I will be uncomfortable with it. Love from Dad

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